The forest garden

In the forest garden we collected berries, flowers, leaves and fruits of spontaneous plants. We also care about 100 olive trees in a land with a steep slope that was wisely terraced in the past by the families of sharecroppers. In addition, there are some wild fruit trees. A Walnut, an Alder and an Oak with four trunks are the iconic trees that lead us into the Rio del Ginestreto wood east of the olive grove.

The farm is now a space in progress: some crags with olive groves are submerged by brambles, ivy and acacias. Some areas will probably remain as such to provide shelters for birds during the nesting period. It will take at least a calendar year to catalog and understand the synergies between the living beings that already populate this strip of land (robins, kestrels, blackcaps, owls, ladybugs, crickets, butterflies, bees, bumblebees, hornets, wild boars, roe deer, foxes, beech martens) and to explore the countless medicinal and food uses of the wild plants present. Starting from the existing, we will try to understand what can be introduced to create beauty without making too much noise. The Landscape Gardener, as the maestro Paolo Pejrone says, in the face of climate change proceeds with many doubts and few certainties: save water, save energy, observe and proceed slowly. On the other hand, the landscape exists when the time variable is inserted into one's perception of space; and if you go in a hurry, you perceive everything in a blurry way.


Natural agriculture principles

Fundamental for us, it was the reading of The Straw Revolution of visionary Japanese agronomist Masanobu Fukuoka, father of Natural agriculture. Natural agriculture is almost a Zen practice. Foremost, it is based on the observation of the processes already underway in the ecosystem, on its resilience capacity and on the preservation of fertility of the soil. The land is not worked with plowing. Neither fertilizers are used, no chemicals, no pesticides, no herbicides. The scope is trying to cooperate with the elements already present in the ecosystem. Human intervention must be minimal or zero. It is important to not destroy the natural architecture of the plants, the soil structure, the chemical and biological processes already in act in the ground. An agrosystem can be a complex system and resilient that tends to imitate the synergies present in a forest and not implies the predominant intervention of man.

The vision

Let's imagine a garden, where you can walk freely and be able to at the same time take root. A space open to diversity and without well-defined borders. A place that takes care of us and that we take care of, becoming with him landscape. We aspire to living in a wild and nomadic garden, which does not mean leaving the garden left to itself. “The nomadic garden is the wild that becomes an image. It is the wild that is told through the times and the shapes of plant growths. (...) It is the self-management of wild nature ecosystems that can tell us the stories of which we need." (from Geoanarchy. Notes on ecological resistance, Matteo Meschiari).