

Flavor of the ancient tradition: Pasta

We will meet in the late afternoon to prepare together the fresh pasta rolled out by hand with organic ingredients and km0. We will discover the secrets of pasta, the preparation of "wild herbs pesto"  and finally we will taste our delicious dish with a glass of wine in the garden surrounded by olive trees.

Duration: 4 h Autumn and winter (10:00- 14:00) /spring- summer  (17:00 - 21:00)

Price: 95 euro per persons - 65 euro children.

A bottle of house Tuscan wine each 2 persons, water, appetizer, and dessert included in the price.

10% of discount is applied to "Casa rurale Colleccio" hosts.

Next practice day: On request Saturday and Sunday. Reservations are required.


Discovery walk of wild herbs

Let’s walk together along the paths on the hills of Lucca to discover the spontaneous herbs among the olive groves, the Mediterranean scrub and the oak and chestnut woods. Depending on the season, it can be offered in the morning or in the afternoon. We offer the opportunity to participate in a final herbal snack or veg appetizer to share the experience.

Duration: 3,00 h

Price: 45 euros per person. Children  20 euros. Veg Appetizer / herbal snack (optional): free offer

Next date:  On request from 16.00 to 18.30 pm in autumn or 17.30 to 19.00 in spring /early summer for rural house guests / small local groups. Reservations are required.

The difficulty of the route will be adapted according to personal physical conditions. Comfortable clothing, hat, water bottle and cane are recommended. If you have a wicker basket and a small knife, take it with you.

chinotto flower

Mediterranean olfactory path

Let’s discover together the plants and essences of the Mediterranean world in the “Semi in Mente” forest garden. Depending on the seasons we will be able to travel on different paths between history, properties of citrus fruits, scrub plants, herbs and some exotic plants. Olfactory tasting of natural essential oils and fragrance market. In collaboration with the Galante Herbalist in Rome.

Duration: 2 h 30

Price: 45 euros per person. Children 20 euros.

Next date: On request  for rural house guests / small local groups. Reservations are required.